Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis

I believe that her
sister’s transformation might be considered as the other metamorphosis in the
novel. The metamorphosis of Gregor sheds
lights onto the metamorphosis of Grete. I believe that there is some kind of
brother-sister affection between both but the minute Gregor’s alienation
begins, her sister’s transformations comes up. In other words, at the end of
the novel, Gregor’s sister becomes a woman after the death of Gregor. This
cannot be a coincidence. The presence of Gregor might hold back Grete’s state
of being a woman. After his death, she feels free. In addition, Grete’s
metamorphosis might shed light onto the theme of alienation in the rest of the
novel. Maybe, one of the major results is that Gregor’s alienation is the
psychological distance between around him just like his sister Grete. Gregor’s
alteration results in total separation from his family. At first, he and her
sister have a great relationship but as the transformation continues Grete
starts to think his humanistic side is dead.
Therefore, he eventually becomes isolated from people who love his
mother and Grete. The alienation begins with Grete’s pursue in seeking a
husband. After she is married, her alienation process begins and loses the
relationship of her family. I think Grete’s marriage can be represented as a
total alienation as well just like in the case of Gregor. It can be analyzed that Grete’s marriage may
some sort of indication of beginning to the new process where it can be ended
with death or total alienation in another way.
Also, another alienation
can be found in the norms of modern slavery. I think that Franz Kafka’s aim is
to emphasize the similarities between working in the modern world(at his
timeline, of course) and being a bug.
They are significantly related to each other from the perspective of the
relationships or theme that is suggested. His job as a salesman does not allow
him to socialize with other people as he states, he does not have long term
friends because of temporary allocations all the time. This context can be discovered while he is a
bug. His main metamorphosis also contains some sort of alienation from society.
His jobs make him filthy bug even though he always tries to be beneficial to
his family. Alienation cannot be avoided either in a bug form or in human form.
I think Franz Kafka tries to draw attention to the harsh conditions that are
changed in the society through time and to state that the desperation of
modernity can be indicated as a bug’s life. Therefore, alienation originated by
Gregor's metamorphosis can be seen as a renewal of the alienation that he already
feels as a person.
The other event that
can be considered as metamorphosis is that the limits of sympathy may cause to
disrupt his relationships. Throughout the novel, his transformations are
somehow changing the attitude towards Gregor by his family. The reason mostly
comes from the lack of sympathy which can be evaluated as one of the main
themes. As Gregor loses his identity as a human, his family starts to think he
is simply not a human. He does not drink milk which was his favorite, he does
not eat what he used to eat. By these indications combined with the absence of
sympathy and since he cannot explain or defend himself, every behavior and even
his physical properties annoy his family. Therefore, his metamorphosis is an
indication of the metamorphosis of relations of his family from the perspective
of lack of sympathy. This may emphasize the inadequacy of language as the
modernity persists.
The other them that I
find interested is that the absurdity of life. While Gregor is a good person
within his capabilities such as how he helps Grete for a conservatory.
Transformation happens although his good habits. The reason why Franz Kafka
represents this occasion could be the reason that life is not fair and linear.
It is more likely to be chaotic and indirect. I believe that the complexity of
the modernity of Franz Kafka’s lifetime might be the reason why he is obsessed
with chaos and unpredictable events. His timeline along with the modernity,
justice cannot be seen. Maybe, he tries to reflect some portion of his timeline
as the events on Gregor. Gregor was innocent but the complexity of modernity
takes place and change the sequence of events out of nowhere. Timeline of Franz
Kafka’s transformation to the modernity can be considered as another
metamorphosis, which can shed lights onto the main event by depicting the chaos
on Gregor’s life.